Fish: discus (green tefe) a couple of peruvian angels, rummynoses and more
Fish: discus (green tefe) a couple of peruvian angels, rummynoses and more
Green discus from Rio Tefe (symphysodon aequifasciatus aequifasciatus)
introduction of hemigrammus bleheri in my tank. (Rummy Nose?)
At the end of the clip you can see how they seem to cling on the windows, kind of strange…
Introduction of 50 corydoras sterbai into my tank.
hemigrammus rodwayi, gold tetra’s
Warning, might be boring 🙂
static position and image.
And yes, next time I’ll turn off the TV 🙂
Guess whats on tv for a bonus.
The music sucks, youtube forced me to remove my original choice of music