The music sucks, youtube forced me to remove my original choice of music
644 thoughts on “Video: impression of my planted fish tank”
Nice fish. Doesn’t the crayfish go for some of the fish in the tank? And to
get a good video quality, you need to format it a certain way for
youtube… I think it has to be avi with a good divX or Xdiv codec.
what are those little shrimp? they don’t look like any crayfish i’ve seen.
they don’t look like they could hurt the fish very badly either, especially
considering that the endlers and otos in there are ok. are they south
american? i have been looking for some good inverts for my amazon tank. i
have a blue ram, otos, a rineloricaria parva, and diamond tetras. thanks
for any info.
Normally you can only tell when they start to breed. Their genital papilla
protrude from their genital slit. The females papilla is more rounded than
the males. Apparently some people can tell (give a good guess) by the
dimensions of the fish.
Nice fish. Doesn’t the crayfish go for some of the fish in the tank? And to
get a good video quality, you need to format it a certain way for
youtube… I think it has to be avi with a good divX or Xdiv codec.
wow, what size tank is that?
Haha i love this song
loveley tank! well done. Is that Zosterfolia? looks fantastic must need a
lot of trimming.
no, no co2 inthere
well…. yeah… :/
Get another… b/f 😛
very nice 🙂
what are those little shrimp? they don’t look like any crayfish i’ve seen.
they don’t look like they could hurt the fish very badly either, especially
considering that the endlers and otos in there are ok. are they south
american? i have been looking for some good inverts for my amazon tank. i
have a blue ram, otos, a rineloricaria parva, and diamond tetras. thanks
for any info.
Nice! I’m not sure what size tank that is but those Angels are super happy!
I love the Bjork soundtrack! 🙂
Awesome, you did a good job with that tank, i like your Altum they are
special fish, keep up the good work 🙂
Normally you can only tell when they start to breed. Their genital papilla
protrude from their genital slit. The females papilla is more rounded than
the males. Apparently some people can tell (give a good guess) by the
dimensions of the fish.
i am soo jelouse
now how are u going to clean that? lol
nvm lol
nvm lol
nvm lol